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Rhino Ket


Need to come down after that set
This hamster shit is really not it
Wanna be stuck to the ground when I sniff
Instead I'm sittin' here sober like a dick
Cos recently I heard a secret
There's this thing called Rhinoceros Ket
When you take a line it makes you forget (Sounds great)
Bally up and let's rob a vet (Sweet)

Sin an gig déanta
Móglaí ag caint ar Rhino Ket, you know I want that
So we hatched a plan, tá muid santach
Christmas comin' early in the bed of Santa
So it's caol díreach chuig an clinic
Pure Ket, fuck all else in it
Scale the counter, we only have a minute
Léigh na lipéidí find it and bring it
Back to the Falls Road
But before we leave, bit for the walk home
Tóg eochair, stuff it to mo shrón
Tá sé ag dul I bhfeidhm cheana féin, aw no
Faigh greim ar mo lámh, Móglaí
Tá mo radharc ag imeacht, can ya just hold me?
Beidh orainn dul anois slowly
Nó beidh muid gafa anseo k-holey

Can somebody phone Próvaí
To make another drug deal?
Been sniffin' this shit all night
I'm sober as a judge and it's just not right
I'm gettin' naffin off this!
Uh, Móglaí, honestly, just wait, wait
Oh fuck, I, I can't even see
I'm gettin' naffin off this!
Móglaí, Móglaí, I can't see
You lucky
Lucky bastard

Can't sit, can't think, can barely even walk
Dunno how the fuck we'll make it back to Falls
Tryin' to stick these Raws, but my hands have turned to paws
Oh God! Oh Lord! Think I took it too far
An caighdéan is fearr ar mhothaigh mé riamh
an bóthar os mo chomhair tá sé cosúil le sliabh
Mo ghiall ag dul mar gur thóg mé moll
tá mé dul a bheith ag dul caol díreach isteach sa pholl
Na bpéist
Maith an fear, Móglaí! All the best!
Keep your clothes on, can't be gettin' undressed
Sa cheantar seo people've been shot for less
Beagnach ar ais, bhog muid go fadallaí níos mó capaillín?
Giddy up, rack it up, get me fucked
Check my pulse whenever I'm inter-dimensional travelling

Woo! Holy fuck, that shit is lethal
Fuck me, I'm only gettin' my eyesight back now
Jesus Christ!
That was enough to kill a small fuckin' village
We go again?

I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed
I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed
I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed
I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed

I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed
I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed
I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed
I'm k-holed off my head, this shit puts Rhinos to bed


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