Leon Bridges


Leon Bridges

Good Thing

Hungry is my state of mind
Bad love left me high and dry
World is getting hotter
Lead me to the water
You know I need some

Ah ah would you kill for your own that's how I feel in my bones
Aye la la lions goin rah rah
And you pray you're not prey
Everyday, everyday yeah

I can't see the world that you want me to see
I won't be the man that you want me to be

Darkness creepin' late at night
Knows just how to talk to me when I'm tired
Feedin' on my weakness
Planted in the season when I was so young

Would you kill for your own that's how I feel in my bones
Aye la la lions goin rah rah
And you pray you're not prey
Everyday, everyday yeah

I can't see the world that you want me to see
I won't be the man that you want me to be
I won't let the devil get over
But when the water's boiled up and the pot starts to burn
You start to understand the man

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