Leon Bridges


Leon Bridges

Coming Home

Lord, don't remember my sins
My sins from my youth
Don't remember my sins

And father, please elude my transgressions
Let them blow in the wind like sand
Cause all of my deeds, you know them

Use me as your vessel
I want to shine like the candle
Shine like the burning candle in the room

Lord, don't remember, ooh, don't remember

And father, please elude my transgressions
Let them blow in the wind like sand
Cause all of my deeds, you know them

Use me as your vessel
I want to shine like the candle
Shine like the burning candle in the room

Don't remember me as a [?] man walking
I don't wanna be like the Israel children

Lord, don't remember, ooh, don't remember
My sins from my youth

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