Liam Gallagher
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I Never Wanna Be Like You

Liam Gallagher

As You Were

Come on, come on
Who are you?
No one, no one
Ain't that true
Want some, got some
Goo ga joob
Good lad, scumbag
Be home soon

Oh what a bummer
If they only knew
What I've uncovered
They'd be swerving you
They'd never wanna be like you
I never wanna be like you

Inside, outside
Room for two
He snides, she snides
Wide-eyed crew
God squad, peace thought
Fanboys, make noise

Oh what a bummer
If they only knew
What I've uncovered
They'd be swerving you
They'd never wanna be like you
I never wanna be like you (x6)


I never wanna be like you (x8)

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