Liam Gallagher
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Invisible Sun

Liam Gallagher

Why Me? Why Not.

I am a laser
And I see with X-ray eyes
Straight through the underground

I am a wave
All my face up to the lights
I will be free

And yes I'll take my time
Cos I don't want what is not mine
Like the heat from an invisible sun
I will be done

I can make it come together
I'll make it come alive
And it's gonna get a little better
Invisible sun I will be done

You little monkey
You've escaped into the sky
When I can see you

It's all a dream
All your [?] lies
Do not faze me

And yes I'll take my time
Cos I don't want what is not mine
Like the heat from an invisible sun
I will be done

I can make it come together
I'll make it come alive
And it's gonna get a little better
Invisible sun I will be done

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