Liam Gallagher
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Why Me? Why Not.

Liam Gallagher

Why Me? Why Not.

Why me? Why not
This time I'm coming ready or not
I'm so low, I'm so high
I'm tight-lipped, I'm jedi

You got me over the line
You got me kissin' the sky
Don't put your love on the line
When you're starin' down the lonely gun

Stand your ground and defy
Anyone that tries to tell you you ain't beautiful
When you get down, you can dry
Count the love you got
Fill your heart with why me? Why not?

The road is long
Dig deep, don't teach your sorrow the song
Hold on, hold tight
Show love, it's alright

You got me over the line
You got me kissin' the sky
Don't put your love on the line
When you're starin' down the lonely gun

Stand your ground and defy
Anyone that tries to tell you you ain't beautiful
When you get down, you can dry
Count the love you got
Fill your heart with why me? Why not?

You got me over the line
You got me kissin' the sky
Don't put your love on the line
When you're starin' down the lonely gun

Stand your ground and defy
Anyone that tries to tell you you ain't beautiful
When you get down, you can dry
Count the love you got
Fill your heart with why me? Why not?

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