Lord Of The Lost
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Your Star Has Led You Astray

Lord Of The Lost


Your star has led you astray

Judgment awaits on who you are
A mind depraved by sabotage
It matters not your chosen creed
Your given fate can be redeemed

I declare
You're the sinner in the saint
Your star has led you astray

Earn your words
From the headstone engraver
Not one more sanctimonious savior
Truth is all
You're the sinner veiled in the saint
Your star has led you astray
(Your star has led you astray)

If there's a bullet with your name on it
You could hold the gun, remember this
And point it where your conscience calls
Rechristening the last to fall

I declare
You're the sinner in the saint
Your star has led you astray

Earn your words
From the headstone engraver
Not one more sanctimonious savior
Truth is all
You're the sinner veiled in the saint
Your star has led you astray

Scorned at birth
Sworn to hurt

Earn your words
From the headstone engraver
Not one more sanctimonious savior
Truth is all
You're the sinner veiled in the saint
Your star has led you astray

You conceal
All the light that's inside you
Just be real and use it to guide you
Truth is all
You're the sinner veiled in the saint
Your star has led you astray

Your star has led you astray
Your star has led you astray

Compositores: Rupert Keplinger, Chris Harms, Anthony J. Brown & Corvin Bahn

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