Lost Frequencies
PĂĄgina inicial > Tropical House > L > Lost Frequencies > Beat Of My Heart (feat. Love Harder)

Beat Of My Heart (feat. Love Harder)

Lost Frequencies

Alive and Feeling Fine

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You're like the beat of my heart
Beat goes on
Beat goes On

You know that I'm leaving
It's only for sure

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