Lowell George
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20 Million Things

Lowell George

If it's fix a fence, fender dents
I've got lots of experience
Rent gets spent
All the letters never written, that don't get sent
It comes from confusion, all the things I left undone

It comes from moment to moment, day to day
The time seems to slip away

But I've got twenty million things to do
twenty million things
All I can think about is you
With twenty million things
Twenty million things to do

I've got mysterious wisteria hanging in the air
The rocking chair I was supposed to fix
Well it came undid

And all the things that I let slip, I found out quick
It comes from moment to moment, day to day
The time seems to slip away

But I've got twenty million things to do
twenty million things
All I can do, is think about you
With twenty million
Twenty million things to do

Compositores: J. Levy, Lowell George

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