Lowell George
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Cheek to Cheek

Lowell George

I laid on your beach
Dreaming and drinking Tequila
I came all the way from Marina del Rey
On a plane yesterday
From the gray L. A. air

Cheek to cheek
To cheek, Chiquiti-tita
Yo soy amoroso
What could be wrong with the hombre who sings so slow
From up in Californi-o?

Forget that border check, please
You won't have to sneak
Two or three times a week
And your green card, tarjeta verde, need never be shown
'Cause you've got my heart on permanent loan

Cheek to cheek
To cheek, Chiquiti-tita
Yo soy amoroso
What could be wrong with the hombre who sings so low?
From up in Californi-o?

Compositores: Lowell George, Martin F. Kibbee, Van Dyke Parks

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