Lowell George
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Himmler's Ring

Lowell George

Himmler's ring, Himmler's ring
Ain't that ring a wonderful thing
Don't that skull and cross bones shine?
Some day that ring's gonna be all mine

Himmler's ring, Himmler's ring
Don't that ring make you want to sing?
Now ain't that monogram so fine?
Some day that ring's gonna be all mine

Sittin' at home on Sunday
Watchin' how it glows
Try it on my toes
Wear it in my nose

Himmler's ring, Himmler's ring
Ain't that ring a wonderful thing?
Don't that skull and cross bones shine?
Some day that ring's gonna be all mine

Himmler's ring, Himmler's ring
Ain't that ring a wonderful thing?
Don't that skull and cross bones shine?
Some day that ring's gonna be all
Some day that ring's gonna be all
Some day that ring's gonna be all mine

Compositor: Jimmy Webb

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