Mason Ramsey
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Family Pictures

Mason Ramsey

I'll See You in My Dreams

Missing home is a funny feeling
Living like you're always leaving
We miss the people most of all
The ones who made us who we are

Family pictures, sometimes they change
They all look different, it's not just the same last name
No matter who's beside you in the middle of that frame
Cause family pictures are whatever you made

Some are here and some long gone
And some didn't stay for too long
Yea I'm carrying their memory in the pocket of my jeans
So, they'll always be close to me

Family pictures, sometimes they change
They all look different, it's not just the same last name
No matter who's beside you in the middle of that frame
Cause family pictures are whatever you made

Family pictures, sometimes they change
They all look different, it's not just the same last name
No matter who's beside you in the middle of that frame
Cause family pictures are whatever you made

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