Mike Posner
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Sage Wisdom from Uncle Bun B and E-40

Mike Posner

Keep Going

Yo, Mike, it's Uncle Bun
Yo, man, I just wanna congratulate you, man
You know, this walk across America
It's really ambitious, it's not gonna be easy
But it's absolutely possible
You have everything you need inside
of you to accomplish this
You know, 'cause if you're going uphill
that means you get a view, you know?
So enjoy the view
We love you, Mike, stay strong, and good luck

Ayy, what's happening, Mike?
Man, what's happening with you, family?
This E-40, man
Just, um, just wishing you well
Man, on your journey, man, and
Whatever you do, don't, don't give up, brother
Keep your head up, man
'Preciate you, man
Good luck with everything
Much love. Four-oh, man

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