Monday Riders
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Ready to Fly

Monday Riders

Monday Riders

I'm going through the night
With my heart in deep illusion
Tired of fake smiles
Seeking my own conclusion

All the wicked words
Are fading on the wind
The danger is next to me
And I'll face it

Crawling for the Sun
In an eye of the storm
But I'm as hard as a rock
I'm so stubborn

Yeah! Prepare to fly!
Yeah! Prepare to fly!
Prepare to fly!
Prepare to fly!
Prepare to fly!

The clouds of the past
Blurring deep my sight
Feeling like my body is tied
Suffocated by strings of lies

A distant light shows me
The best way to escape
Tear the strings and clean my eyes
To the point of no return

All the mistakes I made
Turned into wisdom in my life
Calm your mind in these hardest times
This wrong way will bring only despair

Oh, there's no time to waste
I know where I want to go
To a new Monday Sun
Riding on the roads of dawn

Yeah! Ready to fly!
Yeah! Ready to fly!
Ready to fly!
Ready to fly!
Ready to fly!
And ride through the sky
Ride through the sky
Ride through the sky

Compositores: Fred Sansaloni, Jairo Resenrods, Marco Fragola, Wagner Felix, Paulo Meneses.

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