Monday Riders

The Price

Monday Riders

Monday Riders

The world becomes a small place
Where saints and sinners
Come out to play

Like the drop of a bomb
The bad news arrived
A plague with no fear
And no reason to halt

Uh, they never change their ways
Uh, they always will get paid

The city lights are fading out
As we drive through the empty streets
It's like we're living in a ghost town

The rain keeps falling down
But we keep moving on and on
We're searching for a little light
In a world that's been so long gone

Uh, they never change their ways
Uh, they always will get paid
Uh, they never change their ways
Uh, they always will get paid

We're lost in this endless maze
But every turn we make seems wrong
And the road ahead is just too long

Uh, they never change their ways
Uh, they always will get paid
Uh, they never change their ways
And we cannot change the price
Never change the price
Oh, Never! Never!

Compositores: Fred Sansaloni, Jairo Resenrods, Marco Fragola, Wagner Felix, Paulo Meneses.

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