Hear me my beloved; I beckon thee through waves of dream and in mine ears a voice whispers oceans of light and in thine eyes alone begins this journey of mine; is this love? Thou art Love; thou art Truth; thou art a vision resplendent and I am born with recognition; for I have known thee a thousand years yet never known thee before; when thy radiance spoke my name I was a king restored and my kingdom pales in the gloriousness of thee and my fortunes mask an emptiness filled only by this; where our world exists beyond this brilliant dream; I shall find thee, thou art the answer; I will find thee, thou art the light yet I am human and thy light dims with consciousness; I am man and my love shall dim in thy conquest; I am passionately human and I shall close my eyes to thee for truth proves me mortal to be; yes, this is love and I must put my heart to sleep for this is love; true love dims in human's keep and I am damned
Hear me my beloved I beckon thee through waves of dream And in thine ears my voice whispers oceans of light And in mine eyes alone begins this journey of thine
Hear me my beloved I have patiently awaited thee For I remain confined within the realm of sleep And in thy dreams I have long hoped thou wouldst see me
Hear me my beloved I beckon thee through waves of dream And my voice shall resurrect the deity And this vision shall awaken thee as thou ought to be