Página inicial > Punk Rock > M > MxPx > Waiting For The World To End

Waiting For The World To End



Drawing closer, end of days, with much still left undone,
even as I turn this phrase, the end has now begun.

History is history, tomorrow never comes,
today's the only day we have, but now that day is done.

Waiting for the world to end,
searchin' for the signs, devistation right on time.
Waiting for the world to end,
ignoring what's been said, blind to rivers runnin' red.
The doc did what he could, but we've lost too much blood.

Large starin' eyes and love surprises, silence before sunrise,
when you pay the highest prices, it's too late to open your eyes.

History is history, tomorrow never comes,
today's the only day we have, but now that day is done.

Waiting for the world to end,
searchin' for the signs, devistation right on time.
Waiting for the world to end,
ignoring what's been said, blind to rivers runnin red.
The doc did what he could, but we've lost too much...

The blood in my vains, burnin' aflame (4x)

Waiting for the world to end,
searchin' for the signs, devistation right on time.
Waiting for the world to end,
ignoring what's been said, blind to rivers runnin' red.

all creation will collide, and then begin again.

By Arc-

Compositor: Michael A Herrera (Mike Herrera)
ECAD: Obra #16908919

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