Nada Surf
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Out Of The Dark

Nada Surf

You Know Who You Are

Nothing happens for a reason
Nothing was meant to be
It's the way we explain all the seasons
From the summer to the dying leaves

No one knows how the story goes
Everybody looks ahead
Fate doesn't mean there's nothing you can do
There's a reason to get out of bed

You don't have to run around a park
You don't have to be some kind of hero
But it'd be good to get out of the dark
And get yourself around some other people

Not everyone can make New York feel new
Or wipe away the past that brings you sadness
But you'd be surprised by what moving can do
I've heard that work can tamp down madness

You don't have to run around a park
You don't have to be some kind of hero
But it'd be good to get out of the dark
And get yourself around some other people

You don't have to run around a park
You don't have to be some kind of hero
But it'd be good to get out of the dark
And get yourself around some other people

Compositor: Matthew Caws

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