Neil Young
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People Want To Hear About Love

Neil Young


People want to hear songs of love
People want to hear about love

Don't talk about the Chevron millions
going to the pipeline politicians
People want to hear about love

Don't talk about the beautiful fish in the deep blue sea, dyin'
People want to hear about love

People want to hear about love now
If it will make them feel all right

People want to hear about love
People want to hear
People want to hear about love

Don't talk about the corporations hijacking all your rights
People want to hear about love

Don't mention world poverty talk about global love
People want to hear about love

People want to hear about love now
If it will make them feel all right

People want to hear about love
People want to hear
People want to hear about love

Don't say to Citizens United [?] democracy
People want to hear about love

Don't say pesticides are causing autistic children
People want to hear about love

Don't say people don't vote
because they don't trust the candidates
People want to hear about love

People want to hear
People want to hear
People want to hear about love

People want to hear about love
People want to hear
People want to hear about love

People want to hear about love
People want to hear
People want to hear about love

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