Neil Young
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Song Of The Seasons

Neil Young


Looking through a wavy glass window
In this old place by the lake
In the colors of the falling leaves
I see that nature makes no mistake

In the water as it ripples in the wind
There's a message I see of what's to come
In the honkers flying low above the waves
That's the reason this song is sung

Song of the seasons coming through me now
Like the wind in your hair
We're so together in the way that we feel
That we could wind up anywhere

Looking through this clear vinyl window
At the city and its lights
Masked people walking everywhere
It's humanity in my sights

From over there I see you waving at me
I feel the lightness in your step
I see the flicker of your loving eyes
In the stories that our love has kept

Song of the seasons coming through me now
Like the wind in your hair
We're so together in the way that we feel
That we could end up anywhere

I see the palace where the queen still reigns
Behind her walls and lonesome gates
The king is gone now and she remains
I feel her banner's rippling in the rain

Here in this water as it gathers now
Upon the road, the horses gait
In the rhythm that I feel somehow
In the melody I play

Song of the seasons coming through me now
Like the wind in your hair
We're so together in the way that we feel
That we could end up anywhere

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