Neil Young
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The Wonder Won't Wait

Neil Young

World Record

Give me a big count Ralphie
One, two, three, four

The wonder won't wait till tomorrow again
The wonder won't wait for you
To come back home
If you're lost where you are and you can't get back
The wonder won't wait for you
To swing at the stars in the sky
Take some time to live before you die

'Cause the wonder won't wait
No, the wonder won't wait

I'm the air all around the bank
Where your money pays for crimes against me
'Cause I'm the Earth and I wanna live
But the wonder won't wait for me
To swing at the stars in the sky
Take some time to live before you die

There's something big happening and part of it's you
You've got to stand outside yourself
Get out your own head so you see what you do
You've got to stand outside yourself
(stand outside yourself)

Take some time to live before you die
(stand outside yourself)
'Cause The wonder won't wait
The wonder won't wait for you
The wonder won't wait
The wonder won't wait for you
To stand outside yourself

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