Neil Young
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Walkin' on the Road (To the Future)

Neil Young

World Record

One, two, three, four

Walkin' on the road to the future is scary
We want to make the best of the past and not tarry
These are the things we've done and they have a cost
We will take it on and try to make the best of us

Walk with me brothers and sisters of the future
To the world as we know it and the Earth as we knew it
Hand in hand, fist to fist with no more weapons, no more war

No more war
Only love
No more war
Only love

Walkin' with me now to the future of all mankind
One step right in front of the other
Walkin' to the future, as sisters and brothers
We've got to do it now, though some may say it's too late

No more war
Only love
No more war
Only love

Walk with me now for the children of the future
The green grass, blue sky, clear water future
With sun shedding light through a flicker
in your laughin' eyes
Your cryin' eyes, your laughin' eyes
Your cryin' eyes, your laughin' eyes

No more war
Only love
No more war
Only love

Well, thanks everybody

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