Nina Nesbitt
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What Will Make Me Great

Nina Nesbitt

Mountain Music

I can't tell if I'm better than I was
If I'm smarter than I was
If I'm rotten to the core

I can't tell if I'm softer than I was
If I'm harder than I was
Like a father after war

Maybe this pain is ruining my life
Maybe this pain is what will make me great
In time

I don't know if it's shaping who I am
If it's breaking who I am
But I don't dare to ask

I don't know if it's medicine I'm sippin'
If it's poison I'm drinkin'
But I know it tastes bad

Maybe this pain is ruining my life
Maybe this pain is what will make me great
In time

Maybe it'll make sense to me
Maybe this pain is meant for me
Or maybe life's just out to get me
Maybe this pain is what will make me great
In time

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