Noah Kahan
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The View Between Villages

Noah Kahan

Stick Season

Air in my lungs 'til the road begins
As the last of the bugs leave their homes again
And I'm splittin' the road down the middle
For a minute, the world seemed so simple

Feel the rush of my blood, I'm seventeen again
I am not scared of death, I've got dreams again
It's just me and the curve of the valley
And there is meanin' on earth, I am happy

Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh, oh

Passed Alger Brook Road, I'm over the bridge
A minute from home, but I feel so far from it
The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin
It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again

The things that I lost here, the people I knew
They got me surrounded for a mile or two
The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel
I'm back between villages, and everything's still

Compositores: Noah Kahan, Todd Clark

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