Página inicial > Hardcore > N > NOFX > I'm a Rat

I'm a Rat


I am a rat in a trap
And I'm happy about that
Because everyone believes that I was caught

Now they feel so good about themselves
Cause they like to watch me suffer
Until they found it in their hearts to help me out

So I thanked them and apologized for all my bad behavior
I blamed it on my addiction to cheese
Now everybody likes me and thinks I'm rehabilitated
And I finally get to do what the fuck I please

I am a rat and
I don't wanna hear your sermon
I am a vermin
And I'm always gonna gnaw on things
I know will aggravate you

I am a rat acting like a good do'er
till I go back to my sewer
And ingest my chosen poisons

I am a rat
I am a rat
I am a rat
I am a rat

Compositor: Michael John Burkett
ECAD: Obra #37897815

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