I waited for a hundred years, all I did was wait every day, all day, every hour, every second, all time. I waited for a hundred years, all I did was wait every day, all day long, every hour, every second, all time. Now when I look back, it seems that I waited for only one day. Now when I look back it seems that I waited for only one day. I waited for a hundred years, all I did was wait every day, all day long, every hour, every second, all time.
(Eberhard Schoener:) You think that maybe I've lost my mind and you'll be the one to help me find it pretending it's yours And so I tell you we are going to turn into a dream and then we'll be in real trouble.
I waited for a hundred years, all I did was wait every day, all day long, I waited for a hundred years, Now when I look back, it seems that I waited for only one day, a day that lasted a thousand years, a day that lasted a thousand years. And I'll wait for you another hundred years, all I'll do is wait, every day, all day long, every hour, every second, all the time