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Baby (inglês)


Mutantes Ao Vivo - Barbican Theatre, Londres 2006

You know, you must take a look at the new land
The swimming pool and the teeth of your friend
The dirt in my hand
You know, you must take a look at me

Baby, baby
I know that' s the way

You know, you must try the new ice-crem flavour
Do me a favour, look at me closer
Join us and go far
And hear the new sound of my bossa nova

Baby, baby
It' s been a long time

You know, it' s time now to learn portuguese
It' s time now to learn what I know
And what I don' t know
And what I don' t know
And what I don' t know

I know, with me everything is fine
It' s time now to make up your mind
We live in the biggest city of South America
Of South America
Of South America

Look here read what I wrote on my shirt
Baby, baby
I love you

You do!

Compositor: Caetano Veloso

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