Pernice Brothers


Pernice Brothers

Fuel for the workings of my troubled mind
Thumbing "The Year in Pictures. "
Don't recognize the times that it says are mine

Who were you then, who are you to become?
A drink ring distorts the pages
Helping the heads to swell and the colours to run

And I feel so lightheaded
I hooked my cart to a dying star

Fuel for the workings of my troubled mind
Thumbing "The Year in Pictures. "
Don't recognize the times that it says are mine

And I feel so lightheaded
I hooked my cart to a dying star
High gloss on a magazine

Compatibility quiz goes alright
A classy perfume insert ad breaks free
And smothers me with life

And I feel so lightheaded
I feel so lightheaded
I feel so lightheaded
I hooked my cart to a dying star
High gloss on a magazine
High gloss on a magazine
High gloss on a magazine

Compositor: Joe Pernice

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