Pernice Brothers
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The Loving Kind

Pernice Brothers

I'll stay with you
But that's as much as I will do
Please don't think I'm cruel
I've been through this too many times to bullshit you
Yes, I feel the pull
But a major part of me is unavailable
What I had I gave
Resist the need to save me. I will not be saved
I must agree with you the thought is fine
To knot and braid your fraying ends to mine
But I'm not the loving kind

I don't suggest we try
It's best to let a dead thing lie
Hate me if you must
But trust me when I say this love will never live
Now it only halfway scares me to the bone
I wrote myself a code by which to live
Because I'm not the loving kind
It's a fatal flaw
I've seen it every time before
It can't be fixed with time
I'd love you if I was the loving kind
It's a fatal flaw
I've seen it every time before
You're young enough, there's time
I'll never, ever, ever be the loving kind

Compositor: Joe Pernice

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