Página inicial > Rock Alternativo > P > Pixies > Thunder and Lightning

Thunder and Lightning



There was a storm today in Chinatown
My favorite vegetable was really coming down

Okay, you count the miles till lightning turns to thunder
How long until it tears us both asunder?

They started a war today in another land
Everything went the way that it all was planned

Okay, you count the miles till lightning turns to thunder
How long until it tears us both asunder?

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho

Okay, you count the miles till lightning turns to thunder
How long until it tears us both asunder?

There was a storm today in Chinatown
You count the miles till lightning turns to thunder
How long until it tears us both asunder?

There was a storm today
There was a storm today
You count the miles till lightning turns to thunder
You count the miles till lightning turns to thunder

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