Página inicial > Rock Alternativo > P > Pixies > Um Chagga Lagga

Um Chagga Lagga


Head Carrier

I'm headed south but kinda west
Up around the bend one more breath
Standing tall in the rows of corn
Like, Cora Pearl at ten in the ‘morn

Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga in the Languedoc

Black coal night in Wallonia sticks
Saw your red light burn for like twenty clicks

Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga in Wallonia sticks

But I'll keep on driving
Don't get mixed up in shit
You could get used to it

I lost my way in the Tramontane
‘Cause that crazy stuff got in my brain
So I walked the marsh at Bouche De Rhone
And all night long I heard you moan

Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga at Bouche De Rhone

But I'll just keep on walking
It's starting to hit me
They're coming to get me

Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga at Bouche De Rhone
Um chagga lagga at the gravy station
Um chagga lagga in San Antone

Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga on the side of the road
Um chagga lagga on the side of the road

They're coming to get me

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