Rare Americans


Rare Americans

Rare Americans 4: The Human Animal

I got this fear that I could die
I could die young, before my time
It could be a big tragedy
Or my lifestyle, catching up with me
Is it a self fulfilling prophecy?
If so, I better get a hold of me
Cause these thoughts are monsters
In my mind, I don't feel too good Doc
Am I alright?

I gotta gotta let it go
I gotta gotta take control
I gotta gotta let it go
I gotta gotta take control

Just let me think!
I've always been my own shrink
Do I need the dope?
Or a... Placebo?

Just let me think!
Is it a fluke or a link?
Do I need the dope?
Or a... Placebo?

Chat GPT, what's wrong with me?
It said based on the data that I can see
Your genetically predisposed to malady
Ya, you, and the whole family!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! No way
The whole hypochondriac card is so passe
Just live your life, you could die tomorrow
Open closed sign, flips from joy to sorrow

I gotta gotta take control
I gotta gotta let it go
I gotta gotta take control

Just let me think!
I've always been my own shrink
Do I need the dope?
Or a... Placebo?

Just let me think!
Is it a fluke or a link?
Do I need the dope?
Or a... Placebo?

Just let me think!
I've always been my own shrink
Do I need the dope?
Or a... Placebo?

Just let me think!
Is it a fluke or a link?
Do I need the dope?
Or a... Placebo?

Compositores: Duran Ritz, James Priestner, Jan Cajka & Jared Priestner

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