Rare Americans
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The Machine

Rare Americans

Rare Americans 4: The Human Animal

My whole life is on the internet
I know all these people but
But we have never met
This is life inside of the machine
Give me another hit of dopamine

My whole life is on the internet
I know all these people but
But we have never met
This is life inside of the machine
Give me another hit of dopamine

Chase dopamine, like I'm a dope fiend
Addicted to the system
But never been a part of the mainstream
Too gritty for Tik Tok, no time for flip flops
Don't trust cancel cops
Bombardment non stop
Welcome to attention economy
A world full of wanna-bees
With a variety of anxieties
What is a society, drunk on notoriety?
I can't even imagine technological sobriety

My whole life is on the internet
I tell them all my secrets but
We have never met
I'm sick of living life in the machine
Give me another hit of dopamine

I tell ya I would not be fuming
If I never saw another human
Being, me and my computer and my room and I'm good!
Just like me, a million other stans
Final fantasy land, jerk it non stop, OnlyFans
Oh yes you can, pro-gram, the single young man
Plan how it ends, zero real friends
The machine is I! And I am he!
And you know what man? We're both happy
Okay, okay, okay, okay?

My whole life is on the internet
We've become a family
We have never met
This is life inside the machine
Give me another hit of dopamine

Compositores: Duran Ritz, James Priestner, Jan Cajka, Jared Priestner & Omar Khan

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