Jesus and Buddha and Manitou´s ex-squaws sat on the blue-green magnolia-tree shore while Mohammed was doing his daily jogging and the holy ghost was looking for a door. The nightshift-squad was on their way home to their families and the demons from down below shared a mighty big spliff and the sharks of the riff were waiting for the beginning of the show. "Do you have any clue what they´re fighting for in our names ?" asked Jesus and took a deep toke "Not at all, bro", said Mohammed and stopped running for a minute, "I think this holy-war-thing´s nothing but a joke. Well, maybe I said some things as I was angry and young but I never thought they´d take it for real! But every excuse is a good one, you know when you´re living to rape kill and steal !"
What if the gods beyond hate ( trans-destination ) were simply victims of fate ( sense of creation ) where would we run to and where could we hide ? What if our prayers would come true (trans-destination ) and all our fantasies, too (pain´s fascination ) and what if darkness was brighter than light ?
A raven dressed in black called the leader of the pack brought them a drink and screamed :"redemption for free !" Buddha smiled from one ear to the other and said: "Excuse me, Sir, but I don´t agree. Salvation you can´t get for nothing at all- you always have to give something in return !" "Whatever !", said the raven, "I´m only a salesman and I work hard for the money I earn." The last wales of destiny gave it one more try - spread their wings and flew up to the pink clouds somewhere high in the sky while the birds were swimming in the sea and the reaper was yelling : "They ain´t ready yet to die !!!" "Stay cool, man , relax - they won´t run away !", said Jesus and took his guitar and he played dirty songs `till his fingers bled and a spaceship came travelling from far. The flying saucer landed on the beach and a voice told them all : "Do not fear ! My name´s 42 , Allah, Jehova or God or simply Nature - do you have a beer ? You all know parts of me - but you don´t know me whole and now I´m retired from this masquarade ball I left the world I created - Do you want the job, Reaper ? All you have to do is to call !"