Rüfüs du Sol
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Lost In My Mind

Rüfüs du Sol


Did you wonder where I've been all night
Couldn't help but get lost in my mind
Send a postcard, send it to my friends
No number, no return address

Walking and the sky keeps falling down
I'm starting to notice a sound
Everything around me hits the ground
And I can't escape it
And I can't escape it

I've been walking out all on my own
I've been losing sleep while I'm at home
I don't need my leaders to decide
If I had my choice I speak my mind

Walking and the sky keeps falling down
I'm starting to notice a sound
Everything around me hits the ground
And I can't escape it
And I can't escape it

I can't escape you
My head keeps talking to me
You're losing me

Walking and the sky keeps falling down
I'm starting to notice a sound
Everything around me hits the ground
And I can't escape it
And I can't escape it

Meet me at the corner of my mind
It's quiet and nothing's around
Far away and I can't hear a sound
I'm lost and I like it

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