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The Way The Wind Blows


Snakes & Arrows

Now it's come to this
It's like we're back in the dark ages
From the Middle East to the Middle West
It's a world of superstition
Now it's come to this
Wide-eyed armies of the faithful
From the Middle East to the Middle West
Pray and pass the amunition

So many people think God
The way got to watch what you say
To them and him and others too
You don't seem to see things the way you do

We can only grow the way the wind blows
On a bare and weathered shore
We can only bow to the here and now
In our elemental war

We can only go the way the wind blows
We can only bow to the here and now
While we've broken down blow by blow

Now it's come to the this
All those speaches and nice deception
From the Middle East to the Middle West
Like crusaders in a holy alliance
Now it's come to this
It's like we're back in the dark ages
From the Middle East to the Middle West
It's a play ???? science

It seems to leave ???? blind and they leave no child behind
While evil spirits aren't ????
While shepherds bless and count their sheep

We can only grow the way the wind blows
On a bare and weathered shore
We can only bow to the here and now
In our elemental war
We can only go the way the wind blows
We can only bow to the here and now
While we've broken down blow by blow

We can only go the way the wind blows
We can only bow to the here and now
While we've broken down blow by blow

We can only go the way the wind blows
We can only bow to the here and now
While we've broken down blow by blow

Like the southern ????
On a bare wind blasted shore
We can only grow the way the wind blows
In our elemental war

We can only go the way the wind blows
We can only bow to the here and now
While we've broken down blow by blow

Compositores: Lee, Lifeson and Peart

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