In the distance, a leader was screaming "I'll be Master" "Our Nation will be perfect in every way We laughed. We laughed. Then came the day they led us away His dreams were our nightmares to come We were to suffer because of one political God A madman with a burning soul.
The children cried for comfort Confusion in their eyes Awoken by the soldier Blinded by his sire We watched our houses burning They took our Silver and our Gold Our people were dying in millions The young and the old We were never told why -
Rounded up for the execution Stripped of dignity and grace I was part of the final solution To make way for the master race
By these cold hearted leaders we will fall No room for our people in their mighty war So we must die Dare not defy Destroyed in the course of History
As time went by the hatred grew And the light of mercy disappeared. We were treated like the plague His disciples had the cure
We tried to believe someone would come And we would survive We had to hold our heads up high But we still died, Our dreams denied Destroyed in a Human Landside
Many heard the screams of a Million Hearts Still no-one helped as they were torn apart
We still have memories, Such painful dreams of when sentence was passed
Our hunt for the jury will always last Revenge will come Justice must be done Our search will last forever