Sérgio Mendes


Sérgio Mendes

Why are my eyes always full of this vision of you?
Why do I dream silly dreams that will never come true?

I want to show you the stars,
Caught in the dark of the sea.
I want to speak of my love
But he won’t come to me

So I go on asking if someday you will care
I tell my sad little dreams to the soft evening air
I'm quite hopeless it seems
Two things i know how to do: one is to dream, two is loving you

Vivo sonhando, sonhando mil horas sem fim
Tempo em que vou perguntando se gostas de mim

I want to show you the stars,
Caught in the dark of the sea.

Falar do amor que se tem, mas você não vê (vê)

So I go on asking if someday you will care
I tell my sad little dreams to the soft evening air
I'm quite hopeless it seems
Two things i know how to do: one is to dream, two is loving you

Compositor: Antonio Carlos Jobim / Gene Lees

Letra enviada por Priscila Andrade Beserra

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