Soccer Mommy
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Death by Chocolate

Soccer Mommy


Do you think it's sweet
I'm nervous talking to you
Or am I just a freak?
Sat by me on the bus
On the way back to school
I wish that I was cool
Like you

I guess it's kind of me
I never try
You drove me home last week
I would've died for a kiss
You smell like cigarettes
And how chocolate tastes
It makes me wanna die
But I guess I can wait

I wanna kill myself, I wanna go to hell
I wanna kill myselves, I'm gonna go to hell
And he's the way I'm gonna do it

Something in my veins
Is gnawing at me
I wanna kiss your face
'Cause you smell like cigarettes
And how chocolate tastes
It makes me wanna die
But I guess I can wait

I wanna kill myselves, I'm gonna go to hell
I wanna kill myselves, I'm gonna go to hell
And he's the way I'm gonna do it

Compositor: Sophie Allison

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