Soccer Mommy
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Soccer Mommy

For Young Hearts

I don't even know who I am
And I don't really give a damn
'Cause you are everything I need to know it seems
I trace and memorize your curves and lines until my fingers start to bleed

We could go some place alone
Don't you see
We could go somewhere it snows
Just you and me
We could go to Switzerland
Never come back home again

You like the cold, at least that's what I hear
And we could waste away the days until we waste away the year
'Cause you the only one I need and I'm the only one for you
And Zurich's nice for growing old and that's all I want to do (with you)

We could go some place alone
Don't you see
We could go somewhere it snows
Just you and me
We could go to Switzerland
Or some place we've never been
Take this house we're living in
Never call it home again

Compositor: Sophie Allison

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