Sonata Arctica


Sonata Arctica

Pariah's Child

Oh I love the face you try to hide in your hands
We are in love

Oh I love the snow angels we make hand in hand
We are in love

Give me the stone you're hiding within
Shimmering, frozen, all it does is make me feel the cold
Rules don't apply, gravity lies
The moon gently smiles
When we silent by sway while I sing

How long we have been dancing?
You are all I see

Oh I love the smile you're to hide in your hands
we are in love
Oh I love the sand angels we make hand in hand
We are in love

Summer in bloom, lovers in swoon
Never believed I also could walk in the air like a fool
The greatest of stories, heavenly bliss
And forever may sometimes end with no kiss

Now we wonder are we both crazy
Getting into this

Oh I love the face you try hide in your hands
We are love
Love the way you get older with me day by day
We are in love
Oh I love the Snow angles we make hand in hand
We are in love
And I love how this love makes us strong day by day
We are in love

Compositor: Tonny Kakko

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