Sonata Arctica
Página inicial > Heavy Metal > S > Sonata Arctica > Wildfire, Part: III - Wildfire Town, Population: 0

Wildfire, Part: III - Wildfire Town, Population: 0

Sonata Arctica

Stones Grow Her Name

You didn't come in peace, wear a flower in your hair
Didn't mean to harm anyone of us in here
You need what you take, like a candle needs a snowflake

The roots are alive and the bodies will rise
You can try the same, but you'll never have a dice
Waging a war to a mountain; death, eruption

Know that if Mountain wants you all begone, thou wilt be gone

You bring in the machines... "fire in the hole! "
Money is the power, morals gotta go
Tomorrow comes and the law is not a problem

On every standing nail a hammer is to fall
No value in the oddities, evolution's gone
Talk is cheap but the suits are not

Thy will be done, thou wilt be dead

You dig another hole in the one you're standing in
Nothing is enough for Generation Greed
Angels die for the cause, long live the faction

If you have access, "it is fine to reave! "
You only destroy to be able to leave
This planet one day, what a perfect day!

Thy will be done, Thy will be done
Thy will be done, thou wilt be dead

Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus
Tulkoon oikeus, tuhoutukoon maailma

Seen so many of you die, thy will be gone. Yay!

You are wasting your life, use a pen as a knife
Always wanna take more than you ask for
All your promises reek, gluttony makes you weak
Our planet is ever so grateful
Grateful when your offspring's gone: done!

Gomorrah be gone, revolution, a new spin
You don't wanna dance in the ballroom you're in
Mountain gives no hope, line up to die now

You are in a battle you're not supposed to win
Still you run to your death, face it with a grin
Run home, kids, while you still have homes

A place where you learn about harmony and peace
These you never knew, wish you would, but never will
It's in your blood, but your blood runs thin

The Mountain still wants to believe
You can turn the page again
You lose your hope here, one by one
Listen to me, son, you've got nowhere to run

You are not perfect at anything
Least of all in things we were always good at

Slow to learn, you are slow to learn
Children grow and burn, 'cause you'll never learn

Thy will be done, Thy will be done
Thy will be done, Thy will be, Thy will be
thou wilt be dead

Species, generations. Extinct? Evolved?
What you call progress, must be put on hold
To let you have your way is not an option

"Using his burgeoning intelligence
This most successful of all mammals
Has exploited the environment to produce food
For an ever increasing population
Instead of controlling the environment
For the benefit of the population, perhaps
it is time we control the population
To allow the survival of the environment. "

Compositor: Tony Kakko

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