Soul Asylum
Página inicial > Rock > S > Soul Asylum > Busy Signals

Busy Signals

Soul Asylum

Hurry Up and Wait

Please releave me
Leave before someone sees me
The cloak outlasts the dagger
What a mystery
I don't know who done it
I just know it ain't me

You know that you want to, want to, want to
You know that I want to, want to, want to
You know that you

What's wrong with this telephone?
This telephone used to work just fine
Beats someone's telephone
Some telephone better than mine
What's wrong with this telephone?
What's wrong with this?

She's so easy
Her signals always busy
She holds the rights to women
She's the one that you'll never be

You know that you want to, want to, want to
You know that I want to, want to, want to
You know that you

This telephone used to work just fine
Beats someone's telephone
Some telephone better than mine
What's wrong with this telephone?
What's wrong with this?

Please go easy
Please go easy on me
The ocean tracks a river
Deliver me
To a place where I belong

You know that you want to, want to, want to
You know that I want to want to, want to
You know that you

What's wrong with this internet?
This internet used to work just fine
What's wrong with this picture?
This picture used to be mine
What's wrong with this telephone?
What's wrong with this?

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