Soul Asylum
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Hopped up Feelin'

Soul Asylum

Hurry Up and Wait

Don't you ever wanna leave me alone?
Don't you ever wanna watch my back?
Can't you ever even leave it alone?
You don't ever want to walk my path

You never see me when I'm keeping it together
You only see me when I'm falling apart
Got a feeling, got a hopped-up feeling
It ain't worth stealin' cause I'm givin' it away to everyone

Are you ever gonna leave it at home?
Would you ever make me swallow my pride?
Would you every try to spit me out?
Would you ever stop and wonder why?

I could see if we never got it together
I would never find my place in the sun
Got a feeling, got a hopped-up feeling
It ain't worth stealin' 'cause I'm givin' it away to everyone
Drugs are a substitute for love
And love is a substitute for nothing at all

Nothing's going to come between us now
Nothing's going to make me change my mind
If I never see you again
Nothing's ever going to take away my good time

You never see me when I'm keeping it together
You only see me when I'm falling apart
Got a feeling, a hopped-up feeling
It ain't worth stealin' 'cause I'm givin' it away to everyone

Got a feeling, a hopped-up feeling

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