Soul Asylum
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Pipe Dream

Soul Asylum

Delayed Reaction

I'm all alone, show is over
Night crawlers crawling closer
Somewhere is temptation
Could have just be my imagination
Wasn't all just a dream at the bottom of a...
Next time you wake me up, all those..

Call me up when you find out what life means
It doesn't hide in the fire of a smoke screen
Like a match burning fast in a cold breeze
Like a house made of glass in a pipe dream

Even so, it's harder
Can't finish what you can't get started
Everywhere seems so broke down
Signs of life are happening anyhow!
Should I just disappear beyond the.. grass?
...invisible, all these demons last!

Call me up when you find out what life means
It doesn't hide in the fire of a smoke screen
Like a match burning fast in a cold breeze
Like a house made of glass in a pipe dream

Late at night when I can't sleep
Listen out in the sound on the street
And it's dawn, dawn comes chasing
Doing money and the time I'm wasting!

Call me up when you find out what life means
It doesn't hide in the fire of a smoke screen
Like a match burning fast in a cold breeze
Like a house made of glass in a pipe dream

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