Soul Asylum
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Silent Treatment

Soul Asylum

Hurry Up and Wait

When the silent treatment gets so loud it's buzzing in my head
Your lips are moving, tells I should be somewhere else instead

She said she was a mermaid
She said she liked horses

And then the silence finally breaks
You took all you could take
There's no one there

So you try to minimize it
Then you try to compromise it
No one really, really, really cares

The city streets are filled with sheets of raindrops filled with bile
The silence is so deafening it somehow makes me smile
Take a chance on tonight

She said she was a mermaid
She said she liked horses
She said she loved unicorns
I'd never bet on the dragon

When the silence finally breaks
You took all you could take
No one cares

Still you try to minimize it
Then you try to compromize it
No one's really there

When the ice melts off the lake and it reflects on what is fake
And you're skating somewhere, swimming I was losing every race
One stolen moment might turn out right

She said she was a mermaid
She said she liked horses
Never bet on the unicorn
Never bet on the dragon

When the silence finally breaks
You find out just what's fake
There's no one there

So you try to minimize it
Then you try to compromise it
No one really cares

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