Sturgill Simpson
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All Said and Done

Sturgill Simpson

Spent the last year going out of my mind
Looking for reasons I could never find
Until I put my finger on it and saw every sign
Take all you can get, keep your fingers off of mine

Sitting in the tower without a clue or care
And goodbye opportunities hanging off of my head
Handing several items out to anyone who dares
Climb my own way up to the top just to get kicked down the stairs

Bein' pulled a million ways all at the same time
It's enough to make anyone go insane
When you find yourself forgetting all your own rhymes
Givin' up on dreams floating 'round inside your brain

Bein' pulled a million ways all at the same time
It's enough to make anyone go insane
When you find yourself forgetting all your own rhymes
Givin' up on the dreams floating 'round inside your brain

Keep staring at the pages, going over the same lines
It's all been said and done by now, two or three times

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