Sturgill Simpson
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Best Clockmaker On Mars

Sturgill Simpson

Wanna grow old in the mountain view
Wanna make babies 'til you say you're through
Warm, bare, and naked when you pull me through
Turn off the TV, there ain't nothin' new

Gonna wake up every day and be the best clockmaker on Mars

Some days, I hate everything I am
But your love holds a mirror to me
Show me a love I can understand
Make sense of the world I see

Gonna wake up every day and be the best clockmaker on Mars

Wanna grow old in the mountain view
Wanna make babies 'til you say you're through
Warm, bare, and naked when you pull me through
Turn off the TV, there ain't nothin' new

Gonna wake up every day and be the best clockmaker on Mars
Gonna wake up every day and be the best clockmaker on Mars

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