Sturgill Simpson


Sturgill Simpson

Metamodern Sounds in Country Music

There's a voice that I can hear sometimes
out here on the mountain
When it's dark and the sky is pouring acid like a fountain
And the memories like coal dust stain the window of my eyes
So ask them no more questions
they can't sell you no more lies

I hear voices all around me in society's depression
Over and over they recite their first impression
And the rivers are all crying but the ocean cannot speak
'Til her waters crash into uncharted shores
so dark and bleak

How I wish somebody'd make them voices go away
Seems they're always talking but they ain't got much to say
A picture's worth a thousand words
but a word ain't worth a dime
We all know they'll go on talking til the end of time

Don't call it a sign of the times
when it's always been this way
Forked tongues and voices behind curtains with no name
Well they plot their wicked schemes
setting fate for all mankind
With evil that can fill God's pretty skies
with clouds that burn and blind

How I wish somebody'd make them voices go away
Seems they're always talking but they ain't got much to say
A picture's worth a thousand words
but a word ain't worth a dime
We all know they'll go on talking
til the end of time

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