Sweet Mermaids


Sweet Mermaids

Sweet Mermaids

You, you, you
Hmm hmm hmm

You think you're powerful
That you can charm everyone and it works
While I smiled listening to you
It wasn't because I was falling for your game
But rather I was seeing just how uncharming you are

Charming, charming, charming (charming?)
Charming, charming, charming?

He acts like a fool and still thinks he's charming
You may fit the mold
but it doesn't mean you're charming
(Nor handsome)

Charming, charming, charming (charming?)

He acts like a fool and still thinks he's charming
You may fit the mold
but it doesn't mean you're charming
(Nor handsome)

Charming, charming, charming (charming?)

You, you, you, you
Hmm hmm hmm hmm

You think you're powerful
That you can charm everyone and it works
While I smiled listening to you
It wasn't because I was falling for your game
But rather I was seeing just how uncharming you are

Charming, charming, charming (charming?)
Charming, charming, charming (charming?)

He acts like a fool and still thinks he's charming
You may fit the mold
but it doesn't mean you're charming
(Nor handsome)

Charming, charming, charming (charming?)

He acts like a fool and still thinks he's charming
You may fit the mold
but it doesn't mean you're charming
(Nor handsome)

Charming, charming, charming (charming?)

Compositores: Sweet Mermaids, Gabriel de Abreu

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